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Affiliate program

What is the casino affiliate program “Captain".

In the casino “Captain” each user can earn money by attracting players. Attract players and get up to 50% profit!

Partner’s profit is calculated according to the formula: ((deposits - input commission) - (payments + withdrawal commission) - royalties on games)/100*partner’s bet. For example: attracted players made deposits in the amount of 100,000 rupies and withdrew 40,000 rupies; commission for input was 7%, for withdrawal 3%, 60,000 rupies were lost in games (royalty 10%); partner rate 50%. Thus, the partner earned: ((100,000 rupies - 7,000 rupies) - (40,000 rupies + 1,200 rupies) - 6,000 rupies/100*50 = 22,900 rupies.

Statuses are updated daily. If you have earned enough to receive a new status, it will be updated at the beginning of the day.

Partner status remains in the casino forever. This motivates you to earn more and more.

Our partner statuses are named after the names of precious substances. You are moving up the career ladder of our casino: Newbie, Bronze, Silver, Gold and finally Diamond. The higher the status, the greater your income.

The status is marked with a corresponding picture, naval shoulder straps, in your profile. You can always see what your affiliate status is and how much you have left to earn to get the next one.

Here is a table where you can see how much you need to earn
to achieve a particular status

Level Earns to get levelShare
$500001 and more36.00%
$100001 — 500000.0034.00%
$50001 — 100000.0032.00%
$25001 — 50000.0031.00%
$1 — 25000.0030.00%

If any of the terms and conditions of the casino affiliate program “Captain" remains unclear to you, we ask you not to be shy and contact our support team, who will be happy to explain all the details that interest you. Big profits to you!

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